Wednesday, March 29, 2006


Mamak Night!

Hi all, last sunday (26 Mar) we all went out for mamak! For those not native to Malaysia, mamak is a term for shops that sell food (typically spicy Indian food) from evening right up to the wee hours of morning.

Normally dinner time is spent at home eating home cooked food, but that night we had a treat at the mamak across the road from our house.

Thanks to a generous member of the public, the children had a night out at the mamak eating roti canai, tosai, and delicious chicken curry. Enjoy the pics :)


Additional Zoo photos

Photos courtesy from vonlunteer Elaine Ho...

getting ready to go

waiting for the zoo's train ride

children watching the animals show

william trying to carry a phyton

ice cream courtesy from "mr.chua"

"lee sah" giving out chocalates

group photo, elaine is the one standing on the most right carrying a backpack

Monday, March 20, 2006


Visit to the Zoo @ 18/Mar., Saturday.

entrance to the Zoo

bus ride to the Zoo
getting ready to the Zoo

i ain't scare of snake

why the snake so heavy ar ?

look, we caught a kid ! (baby goat)

believe it, he's playing with chewing gum

up close and personal

volunteer Jan Wee with Rachel

train ride

taking a break under the shade

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